Sold at Idyllwild, Temecula, Bonsall, Bates, and Olivenhain. I want a huge painting like this on my wall. Okay, self!

Second in Series of Gardened Odonatas

PLAN: Soon there will be a new page on this site along with “Some New” as you see here. It will be of a new genre of print options for inspirited and provocative digital art work, frame and print only work pieces. Much work posted on this page will also show photos of pendants, signs for a canopy, and a few custom orders that I am way behind on.
Also, my plan remains to post a few newly completed larger works here which are currently in their planning stages.
If you have a concern or question regarding fairs or costs, utilize the contact artist tab. Thank you.

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicne. Buyer who loved the colors
Contact ~ Marya Badiei

Cyn on left, purchased for her granddaughter.
Below, see Cyn and Theresa!

More posts from the weekend soon! Please check back!




Acrylic, resin on insulation board. 12X28

Tree Beside the Stream, Early Spring.
First of Nine brand new works.
2-9 will be posted before July 21, 2023.

Looking Out and Seeing In

Sold to Anthony and Julia while in Idyllwild.

Clay relief and acrylic. Back frame is
home depot foam insulation board, painted.

Will be in Idyllwild.

This is RIPE for a nine word message.
June 23, 2023
Abstract PS Paint. June 23

June 22, 2023
Version Mother Shore

Happy Summer, Everyone. Take care, be safe. And if you are a senior, visit your doctor, even if to say hello.
June 22, 2023
Version Brother Shore

Smiles, eyes, bums and more Idyllwild July through ?

Smiley Clips when Mood Dims

Yes, Let’s Talk Angels. Click above upon beautiful image to see sizing and other options for
displayable quality framed prints. A terrific gift idea. Smallest is 8 x 10.

Tell us: Are these masquerades or real spirited messengers? Are these three rebel angels or teachers? No one knows enough, do they….

borsten en bedankt
voor het compliment
Toevallig hou ik veel
meer van mijn
Veel meer
decolleté daar
Thanks for figuring it out.

3D Angel Indian Warriors
wax/acrylic/testor 20″ x 14″

See printing options, click on image!

Dear Artists,
ABSTRACT is the freedom from ordinary or traditional representational qualities in art. Go figure. Or don’t. It is always a choice.
All work within this site was seeded by Darla’s imagination, always a journey! Sometimes very difficult, the goal is authenticity, learning, sharing, selling to the right person. Originals are not available on this site, only through commission and art faires!
All Darla’s original work is one-of-kind. Many of her original oils and acrylics and 3-D pendants and symbols have sold. Of course each work gets photographed prior to display and its eventual transfer to a purchaser. It has its new owner. The new owner gives the original its new home. Darla gets sad for a while. but knows her original work will remain precious and unique…. After the sale, she Photo Shops the photograph of the original and magically rearranges its pixels into a brand new life, and she feels good again and posts its new life here, she smiles, sells prints. Click.
Click Beautiful Image to view options. You’ll find your way back, Do Enjoy! Share your experience later! If you reach the doormat, let us know, okay? Title: “Abby Stract is waiting for Pact” Original sold in December 2020!! This above is its rendition. Click image for high quality print 18″ x 24″
Tell the Blues to Take a Hike. Click above image to see print quality, two different sizes. Hang it!
Above see the beautiful abstract, perfect gathering of both cool mauves / bright bold hues if you already own decor utilizing these great combinations. You’ll see delight, reactions will surprise you. Four available sizes, museum quality printing, free shipping. Original was of oil and wax. Sold in 2020.

“LOVE THY NEIGHBOR” (or tolerate with kindness)
Click on ABOVE image, posters are available. The original was sold! (its variations in its series are available).
Click on this image to see if posters or canvas prints are available.
Darla Mulder, artist, 2017
“Abbey Stract, How Do I Get There?”
(where is Abbey Stract’s door?”) Original painted in 2018. SOLD in 2020!
New viewers here select the image to see variants of sizing and pricing and sometimes framing options…all museum quality print offering.
Museum Quality Poster Prints will be available soon! They are, and they are all altered, I see!
Darla, artist

Click this image to view a Framed Poster Option in different Sizes, prices