Paula, showing the camera her newly purchased Sister Mirror #7. Emerald Creek Winery, Oct.

Darla is among artists who believe it is healthy to “Examine More Perspectives!”   (My FAVORITE type of person, a mind exerciser). Seeing and listening and asking others about their views — “an attempt to understand people.” This means listen and work toward social accord – mindfully and with kindness. “Always learn to KINDLY survey differences. This doesn’t mean one has to agree with the other, nor change the other’s opinion. Just improve your understanding of each other!”   site editor, writer, Renae K.

Also, when becoming emotional because of incongruent communicators, find a tool guide. See the other site’s page “Cathartic Chronicles” located at https://www.makenlief.com/

Anthony and Julia


George’s shirt brought much discussion.
Jeff & Jennifer “Moon Tree” Idyllwild. Fun !!
Jane the lady vet holding her new angel

Hearty Heart, on the bottom left, was sold to a man on May 27th; he wore a hat with letters: “Faym”. He claimed he didn’t know why the “y” ….

Photo in 2018 – Discovery Lake
Darla hiking a tad and already at the top of the hill…well, the little hill….July 26, 2023

“As long as the exchanges remain kind and thoughtful, I will listen~.” Always many vantage points within an artist, Darla is a 17-year Community College retiree (from 2 CC’s) and now focuses on what she loves most!  Creating! 

The creation process helped her immediately whenever she returned from traumatic environments each weekend (24 hrs) for nine years – one of nine team members within the City’s Trauma Support Group before TIPS in 2018 took the area. Creativity after incidents proved therapeutic, reminders of life’s fleeting nature. When the trauma support became overly difficult, art was her outlet.

Trauma assistance helps those who have worst days, confronted with sudden loss, and need to know what next steps to take! Takes strength to witness, assess, inform & guide grieving individuals. “Sad scenarios,” she says. glimpses into human behaviors reacting differently while facing sudden loss, often traumatic, always sorrowful.” She’d later on utilize art therapy, calming through creating. While processing I felt endorphins. They are angels! I’m completely not insane!”

Considers while she listens.

“Ideas are best communicated whenever we learn each other’s values, life-styles, focuses. Some people use voice, others photos, some write, others utilize music. Will any chosen art medium communicate with existing atmospheres, show lessons, enlighten any or all of your personal areas? What is really “your” perspective? Is it fed by others telling you what to focus on, or what to have an opinion on? Is your perception authentically one where culture, family and peer groups haven’t succeeded in persuading your sight to change? Or have you never questioned any of them because you haven’t done enough research?

Don’t be a blind follower. Dig.

Three Dimensional Originals are not sold on line, they are available only at fairs and shows. Use Contact button to inquire where Darla will be next
Tim, cyber security guru, buying Lady Tree.

“First large painting I ever sold!” 2016, one year after retiring from the community college!”

So, you have a lot of ideas? Do you have execution skills to bring ideas into fruition?

Prior to marrying her wonderful husband, John, her continuous “sphere-altering” associates, interests, and employment also helped bring her focus to where she is today. One especially mind-bending aspect about Darla is that she’ll be questioning perspective – whenever, whoever, whatever…because perspective is particularly interesting to her, no other reason.

Darla retired from a S.Cal community college as a reading department ADA (17yrs 2 CC’s) which included enjoying some work in the college library. During those years she also served as an aid w/the City Fire Dept trauma team 24 hrs. every weekend, 9 yrs., until TIPS took the area in 2018.

The 90’s LA/SB Counties’ last UHF TV station, Chnnl 30, a “built-to-be-sold” opportunity! Computer and focus req knowledge of FCC rules & cable distribution, buyer scheduling for PSA’s (public srvcs annncmnts), & commercials.  Happy yet slightly dismayed no forged areas developing creativity, as it sold quickly.

So what. She worked her art anyway! Doodles galore.

Before that, she enjoyed photographing and writing friendly local news feature articles about the current feats within the multi-programmed community service center —which was always in need. She was taught community data researching then contributed with grant proposals. Most pleasant times were planning children’s programs. Darla organized small parties and showed magic & face-painted during weekends! “I loved clowning!”  She continued this upon referral during weekends for many years, mostly face painting and game planning. 

In her heart she knew she was an artist and wanted to develop her ideas while unafraid to try them. Still fearless.

Improved execution! Improve on gathering more information for what you already think you know, how well do you apply your thoughts, “meta cog about meta cog” — and imagination


Darla earned her SDSU journalism BA decades ago, remaining a life-long student. She’s honed alertness since recently earning a PCC library tech certification. She sees how information is used and the spectrum of its benefits. She’ll find resources. “I am very interested!”

Creativity time is her salve, especially when burdened with the “how & why of all this!” i.e. predicaments, quandaries… working art has always been a bonus. She’s worn many hats working projects within businesses & causes. Occasional misguidances brought lessons.

Does each person have a unique, soul-purpose? You really do know what it is, she’ll say, stop being captive and seek more information. Stop only receiving just one set or genre of information, PUSH to know more about source history and agenda.

The goal, always: Develop “meta” cognitive processing skills! Always re-nourish! Deeper understandings require much research at times! Ideas rain like a blessing within most ‘creatives’ ” (see bottom of page for links)- It is important to dive into a topic, subject, and not simply be a puppet or conduit or a person who stupidly copies.

Delightful Bonsall School District Board President Larissa purchased “Do it Blue”

Very happy to meet with Caroline, new to San Diego County, above, and below her is Michelle, from Indiana, deciding a surprising purchase for her grandmother !

When each friend owned one work and when home walls were filled, it was time. Nothing would stop her. Set up to Sell! “so much work! fun, though!”

Someone just ordered three of these with narcissus petal borders. I can’t get enough of my stuff, can I? ha ha
Michael and Stephanie buying for their daughter Everly’s newly decorated room. This original sold. One can see variant print options on the makenlief.com site.

Hear of subconscious selective attention? It’s not always obvious what draws your focus when you enter a new environment, or what and why your attention remains where it does. Learn reasons for your choices and discover how to improve your structures. You will become more deliberate and mindful with all of your future choices.


So what ABOUT [her]…this artist named Darla. She responds that she “exists to create, to learn, to share. (02/15/21). “Oh, and to sell!” “Success?  I don’t live by other’s definitions…it is incredibly personal. Really should be different for every person.”  SO … I asked, again:

All is Good!” vaguely answered by Darla in a tone ofdon’t push me.’  I am glad to know her, Darla of Makenlief.com (and of Muldergold). Muldergold donates 20% of earnings after site costs. FOOD BANKS, CANCER RESEARCH, and ELDERLY platform causes. She has enough, actually way more than what at least an easily guest-i-mated 89% of others in the world are in dire NEED of. I don’t see a cornucopia anywhere, and am confused because my relative value assumptions — no outer appearance of wealth. “Revisit one’s value structure,” she smiles!  “Each person in this center would report differently on what ‘enough’ and ‘need’ are in their view.”


Abby Stract Poster                                              ‘Abby Stract’ pricing is on the “All About Abstraction” Page

Always figure out how to CHERISH!  Realize it’s your choice and effort each second you’re breathing, doing, experiencing. Find pleasure even while in distress!” (All is temporary)   “Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” Einstein

But such satisfaction! how will my art communicate ? 

Managing research time means learning  concepts for new ideas to rain!

A blessing & curse within most ‘creatives’  —  “Progressive Creatives, that is…”– Darla 


From Darla:

The following is not for everyone, not many can understand, some try for a while, though.  Each day, most of us are able to point out what types of knowledge others lack, but sometimes we are less able to identify what we ourselves need to learn more about. From art, math, science, current events….many bits! Too many bits needed each day!

“Perspective is everything.” We’ve  heard that one… but  what?  Are you aware of what exactly  it is that you most frequently  search answers for? It is surprising that a lot of people haven’t thought that deeply about their own processing!  It’s unique for each person’s meta-cognitive function.   Don’t fear your “meta cog”  dig, it’s your individual journey’s essence! Sometimes people understand themselves and others much better while learning something very new. 


 The above chart was copied from a Facebook Humor Group

Do you think it needs a slice called  “what you think you know but haven’t thoroughly studied” ?    Personally, that’s a slice I find shocking, awesome and humbling to admit!  Do I want to shrink the heck of my share! Know more?  Do you also have that slice?  Everyone does, like it or not! If you don’t like it, there is plenty you can do about it.

A wonderful no cost website, check this out! https://hq.ssrn.com/UserHome.cfm?redirectFrom=true

Ever learn something which had at one time been very difficult for you to understand? There’s a good feeling when adding information and you UNDERSTAND it, AND it is ACCURATE data!  Our brains cells and schematic networks are suddenly rearranged a bit, like it or not! Each bit of new information alters our schematic make up, and our future understandings — of our own and other different viewpoints.

“Viewpoint” is one key here.

For myself, it adds and initiates a new creative process. In others, learning new things can add enough information while processing, enough to wonder and seek answers to how they can move forward for further, more particular answers.  We’re all different in how and why and when and where we gather information.  

I try to follow or understand thought processes; how appreciators, comrades, and new buyers think. They sometimes are deep into a subject or want to know more about an object or topic. What skill fascinates them?   I learn all the time, I find out how much MORE there is to know.  Beside personal joys and goals, questions will always form.   

Any liberal arts degree graduate or science degree graduate can attest to how curiosity spurs!  Schema (knowledge frame base) & perspective together contribute to one’s learning.

The below assembled resources took many qualified minds dedicating energy to specialized arrivals of their studied truth — during peer reviewed processing.   Find out what it is you would like to know more about. Topics are there, waiting for your curious mind to be informed.. Available for you! Some cost nothing or little ..but WITH MUCH VALUE!~ 

Find your answers, or at least make an attempt to settle your current inquiries by asking, reading, researching.  One needn’t be brave to ask. Indexed resources are great tools, and librarians are always very kind and it is their job to help you locate resources.  

So, before venturing into a possibly endless Alice-In-Wonderland fruitless experience, first take a long glance at the link below.  Find an index at your local State or City College or City or County Library. Maybe the entity subscribes! Some indexes are completely open and free!   Professionals, scholars, specialists, researchers and other leaders have researched and studied their entire lives. There you will understand how valid peer reviewed work goes through many reviews to be “deemed” accurate. Information is found and exists to be published — for our eyes, into our minds! 

 Check out this up-to-date list of widely known subscription or free index data bases! A wonder world of knowledge awaits people who wonder.  Have fun, you wondering people!

HOW STUDIED TOPICS are categorized and stored – link below:


“Sure do wish I’d had these [below] data index links at my fingertips while earning my degree in college!  Every day, though, I still refer to these links about anything going on within my schema or what might add to the latest curiosity/topic.  The first two links are incredible to format one’s start on their ‘pondering’ trips!” ….


HOW TO FIND A JOURNAL https://guides.matc.edu/article

To others who I have spoken with at fairs or events or over coffee. this PDF explains the importance of Civic Literacy. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1171672.pdf

Social Psychology Appreciators! https://www.socialpsychology.org/journals.htm#social

For Critical Thinking Aptitudes, check yourself with below, linked article. Become abreast to great thinkers who know how to bounce off of those ugly manipulative persuasion attempts!  Artistic ones will bounce this off, learn to purely not be swayed by nonsense!  Always learning! Everyone, these days!  It is a must, in order to be prepared for what is next, what else can happen. 

Value Assumptions, descriptive assumptions, and other critical thinking issues  







To my associates, acquaintances, buyers, friends and family members. Here is a very valuable link to what is called Civic Literacy.  All need to understand this concept just in order to operate with knowledge about how our system is intended to work in the US today!   https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1171672.pdf

Social Psychology Appreciators!   https://www.socialpsychology.org/journals.htm#social


Sure do wish I’d had these [below] data index links at my fingertips while earning my undergraduate degree in college!  Everyday, though, I still refer to these links about anything going on in my schema or what might be the latest topic.  The first two links are incredible to format one’s start on their ‘pondering’ trips!” ….




For Critical Thinking Aptitudes, check yourself with below, linked article. Become abreast with great thinkers who bounce off of those ugly manipulative persuasion attempts!  Artistic ones will bounce this off, learn to purely not be swayed by nonsense!  Always learning! Everyone, these days!  It is a must, in order to be prepared for what is next, what else can happen. 

  Value Assumptions, descriptive assumptions, and other critical thinking issues  https://medium.com/@ameet/5-questions-to-improve-your-critical-thinking-skills-part-1-283cf3d1506c



Discovery Lake, Mr. Jackson, art appreciator, buyer.

 Zooming often to review stages of art!  “Glad the zoom saved some of my projects from slowing down in 2020!” The project timelines are outlined for the client (who during  process will be able to check on progress by clicking upon a hyperlink created just for them, their very own personal link… nonpublic, on one of her sites..)