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Five Different Sizes, Five Different Prices. Here is Fairy Fine who is Very Kind. And knows it. Fairy Fine will stop on a dime, Is spirited, is kind, and knows it’s beautiful. Will not rest, will not tire, will be true, won’t expire.
Sheds tradition and claims her choices.
What the heck does that mean? She knows! If you are kin-spirited, you do too!
It is said by many who study symbolism that seeing a dragonfly means something.
Metamorphosis and transformation
Moving toward the light
Dragonflies carry a lot of meaning. If one comes into your life and gets your attention, the primary conceptual symbolism of the dragonfly is change.
Other powerful meanings of the dragonfly are strength and adaptibility. These traits have helped the dragonfly survive the test of time as a species on the planet. If they lose one set of wings, they can still fly.
In addition, their eyes have compound lenses allowing them to see 360º – in all directions. They can clean them with the comb-like hairs on their legs.
The dragonfly is also a creature of light. If you find one in your travels, it might be telling you that you need to get out and enjoy the sunshine more, or that you should get yourself near fresh water. These actions can then boost your mental and physical health.
The sunlight reflects their beautiful colors. Many people throughout history attributed this to magic or something mystical. Many dragonfly fans want people to only see the impressive, successful parts of themselves when people might want to see each other as a whole person—the good and the not so good.
In that case, you don’t want to be “mysterious” – dragonfly symbolism urges you to be yourself and not use tricks or magic to fool people.
More Teachings
The dragonfly is a creature full of wisdom. She teaches that life is about change, that everyone needs to be careful to live their life with clarity and not as an illusion.
Because they are creatures of light, they can help. Shed light into your own life.
Because dragonflies start out living in the water and eventually come to the surface, this process can be a mirror for what’s going on in your life: you might have thoughts coming up that need your attention or that you might need to change your perspective.
Facts About the Dragonfly
The dragonfly is a seemingly magical insect:
- They have been around on the earth for a long, long time—anywhere between 180 and 300 million years.
- They have broad bodies and large eyes, with sharp vision, and the ability to track movement up to forty feet away.
- Their feats of flight are remarkable. They can fly forwards, backwards, and can travel as fast as 30 miles per hour.
- They have two phases in their lives: they start out in the water as wingless insects for well over a year and move into the air after growing their beautiful wings.
When they’re young, their colors aren’t as developed as when they become adults. However, when fully grown, their colors are iridescent and seem to glimmer like jewels, especially on their wings.
Though they might be curious to fly around humans or other animals, they do not sting or bite. That’s great considering these creatures are at once very large and incredibly beautiful.
Dragonflies are favorites of the species “insect” because they are simply mysterious and beautiful. Spectral ones are eerie, though. Perceptions are always individual, and meanings are personal attributes. Every Single Time they visit —- if they do!
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Dragonflies are Free to Change!
Focusing on Dragonflies
It is said by many who study symbolism that seeing a dragonfly means something.
Metamorphosis and transformation
Spectral Visitation
Attuned to Creator, Strength
Moving toward the lightThe primary symbol of the dragonfly is change.
Dragonflies start out living in the water and eventually come to the surface,